Fundraising Cards
 Fundraising Discount Cards When You Need Funds Fast

There are literally hundreds of different fundraising ways that your organization can raise the money you need for your project. For years, "quick-sell" items have been all the rage. This simply means items that participants have on their person so that they can sell them on the spot, such as candy bars, jerky, raffle tickets, handmade keychains, popcorn, etc. While this is a great way to raise money, it isn't the most profitable and customers today are looking for real value for their money due to economic conditions. A discount cards fundraiser may prove to be much more profitable for your group, because of the value offered.

With discount card fundraising, the customer can buy a card for only $10, and potentially save ten times or more that amount over the period of one year. There is little perceived value in a candy bar or rubber bracelet, so the customer is much more likely to make a purchase when the product remains useful for future months. Add to that the fact that a discount cards fundraiser requires very little work on your part, and you can see why the fundraising cards are the number one way to raise money for your group or organization.

When you need a considerable amount of money fast and lack the time to do a lot of planning and preparation,  discount card fundraising is the way to go. The  fundraising company you order the cards from will do all of the groundwork for you; they will contact merchants in your local community, print the cards up and ship them to you. All you need to do is pass the cards out to those participating, and account for who has how many cards - it's that simple! We recommend Easy Fundraising Cards

Now let's talk profits, and how fundraising cards can help you raise an incredible amount of money in far less time than other methods. Suppose your group is the entire 4th grade class, and there are 200 students. Each student will normally sell 5 or more cards each on average, which means in total your group sells 1,000 cards. Your profit margin is 102.5% and you have made $10,500! Are you beginning to understand why a discount cards fundraiser is the most popular method of raising money today? Even if you have a smaller group of 100, you can expect to enjoy profits of $3,500, which is a level of profitability rarely seen with beef jerky or candy bars.

Nearly every community no matter how small or large have a Sonic, Hardee's, Taco Bell, car maintenance service, flower shop, movie rental store, bowling alley, fitness center and hair salon. These are the merchants you usually find on discount cards, and most people use these types of goods and services on a daily basis. That's why a discount cards fundraiser works so well - people get to save a ton of money on those things they would normally buy!

Raise money quick without wearing yourself out! Try  discount card fundraising, and see just how profitable (and easy) raising money for your cause can really be.

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A discount card fundraiser is the perfect solution when you need to raise money for equipment, field trips, uniforms or for any other reason. Churches, schools and other non-profit fundraising organizations have long depended on donations from businesses and individuals to meet their needs and goals; other than that, fundraisers are the usual method used to raise additional money. If you have never considered fundraising discount cards in the past, there are many great reasons why you should - one of them being that they provide maximum profits and minimum planning!